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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's Fall Y'all!!

Finally, the weather is just the way I like it, cool at night and sunny and in the 70's at night. Yesterday we packed up the dogs and went on a hike to Rattlesnake Lodge on the Blue Ridge parkway. It's the ruins from a summer home of a wealthy person a long time ago. And it is along the Mountains to Sea trail. We started farther away to make the hike 5 miles and the dogs did great!! Even little Mona. If you want to learn more about the ruins, you can go here: RattleSnake Lodge . I didn't take many pictures, but here is one view along the ascent.

This past July I went to my 45th High School Reunion. It was a blast!! And I got to see some old friends, and I mean old, lol. There were hundreds of pictures taken, but this one is of me and a good friend from Junior High School, Nyssa. Memories I will never forget!!

Other good friends from high school. Sondra, me, Vicki, and Bert. 

A few of us girls rode around my hometown of Mansfield, Ohio. We toured to see all of the changes that have occurred in the past 45 years, and there are many. But some things never the City News. It has been there as long as I can remember. And Coney Island, yum!!!

Now, quilting.. A did some quilting for a friend a couple of weeks ago. She brought me the quilt to be finished, and also all of her spare pieces that she ended up not using. I couldn't throw them away so I made some more stuff. :) Mostly 9 patches and squares, but I made this wall hanging first. (Poor light this morning, colors aren't true). 

Still had more, so I cut up a few 9 patches and made this little table cloth. The picture is of it not sewn, but you can get my drift. I didn't take any pictures of it finished. I also had even more niners left, so I made her 2 placemats to go along with this. Can't let things go to waste, now can we??

My sister visited a while back and we made little design boards. Kenzie loves hers and uses it to display the scraps from my bag, lol. 

A wallhanging I did a few years ago doing a mystery with Lexy Correiea (sp?) from what used to be the Quilting Passion forum. It is very fallish. One of the first quilts I line quilted with my Bernina. 

And my latest mini hanging. I only have October to do and I have the whole year finished.

And lastly, I made 2 purses for a couple of friends. Cute drawstrings with little matching snap bags.

Whew. 2 weeks in a row. I'm trying, lol.



Gari in AL said...

No wonder you haven't been writing until recently, you are too busy. :-)

Lucy said...

The parkway looks great this time of year. Enjoyed the picture. I like the Sept apple hanging too.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Yay for you blogging and for lots of lovely stuff!