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Saturday, October 13, 2012


 Time is just flying by at a speed that I just cannot keep up with. October is almost half over and I feel I didn't accomplish much since my last post. I can blame most of it on our new family addition, Star.

She is an Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix, almost 4 months old. We have had her with us for 4 weeks now and can't imagine life before Star, lol. It is just like having a new baby, we can't let up for a minute and need to keep her in our line of vision at all times.

But I did do a bit of sewing, I made Star a harness from a tutorial from SEW MAMA SEW.

Finished my Doll Quilt for October and mailed it before I took a picture but will share that with you when the recipient posts a pic on the site. I also quilted and bound a quilt for a friend, but can't show you that one either, lol.

I started back on my weight watchers after finding I gained 8 pounds since my last doctors visit.

Enjoy the fall weather if you have it.



Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Star is beautiful! Enjoy

weidemama said...

Hi Wilma
But this is a beautiful dog, he would also fit well on our farm, laughter ...
Have fun with the little guy, it's a boy or a girl?
I wish you a nice weekend, size of an Wilma

Lucy said...

Congratulations on having a great son. Patty read your email to me.
Glad you have a new addition to your family. Star is a beautiful looking dog.

Gail in Vegas said...

Star is beautiful and worth every minute you are spending with her!
Thanks for the link to the harness; might try it for my dog!

Pokey said...

Good to see you post! I'm trying to not be worried over what I cannot do, and be pleased with what I can accomplish. I do love blogging, but I need to keep balance in this life.
Star is a cutie, I think I would be enjoying that sweet pup with my spare time, too!

Gari in AL said...

I do know what you mean about Star being full-time. Our two doxies require attention and attentiveness. :-)

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Great addition to the family!

Anonymous said...

Exactly why I don't have a dog, but that is one cute puppy! Love the harness.

Agy said...

She's an adorable addition! I love the harness that you've made her :-)

DragonPoodle said...

What a face! Just adorable. Enjoy!
Cheryl Warren