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Thursday, February 9, 2012


Nothing special going on really, but I hate to go too long without posting, especially after I just cleared out my blog reading list of those who haven't posted for over 6 months, lol. So I thought of a few things to say.

I did finish another little quilt. I have had this top done for several years. I thought I would try custom quilting on my frame, but the Juki throat just isn't enough room to do any areas larger than about 6-8 inches square, and that it when your uptake roll is still real small. Plus, all the starting and stopping. I will do these on the Bernina in the future. But it's cute and now I have a wall hanging for next winter.

The theme for the block lotto was hearts this month. I made 4 and plan to make at least one more for myself in a 12" square for my little table top display from Ackfeld Wire. I love these. I was looking at the Celtic Applique that Carrie (go see her site) was showing on her blog, mine is a cheater. I just traced the whole thing and used wonder under. Looks good though. The picture is a little dark, guess I should have rearranged them. :)

And, after being a nurse for so many years, I developed a love for pens, then they went to all computer charting, but my pen love remains. So, I tried on of the Papermate Inkjoy pens they have been advertising on TV, and they are right, I love this pen!!! I tend to push down too hard when writing, so using the felty ones are like running my fingernails down a blackboard. You should try one of these, SMOOTH!!!

Hope everyone enjoys their day!!



Vroomans' Quilts said...

Cute little quilt, but I love the hearts - even if they are fused. Hey, designer's choice.

weidemama said...

Hello Wilma

Beautiful winter quilt, why for the next winter? For us it is very cold and a little snow we have, so the quilt would still fit the season!
I also have nurses in the family, 2 sisters are more likely gelernt.Mein favorite pencils, eraser because you can laugh .....

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Oh I do like let it snow! And the hearts are fun too. Thanks for the BL mention, I've just realised I've not had any posts as I haven't followed the new address, doh! I love pens, but I love chunky handles:I can't write with thin ones!

Sheila said...

Love the rich dark blue shades in the Let it Snow quilt. Hang it up now. We still have to live through February and we have had some deep snows in March. Hope not this year! But you know what I mean.

Vesuviusmama said...

I've been thinking of clearing my blog roll, too, but then I think, what if I miss something? I'm so indecisive that way.

Gari in AL said...

The quilt is cute but I don't like snow. ;-) Hope you didn't clear me out of your roll.

DragonPoodle said...

Cute wallhanging--did you get the snow yesterday? It snowed down here in the Piedmont for about 2 minutes yesterday. Hopefully your adorable wallhanging was just in time for the snow!

Miss Hillbilly said...

I love the Let it Snow...I am always a sucker for blue!

Sue said...

That is one cute wall hanging! Was it a pattern or did you come up with it on your own? I'm trying to make some more for my home. I had two - one for Christmas and one for the rest of the year... now I have three!