I'm becoming quite disappointed in many new blogs I visit, and some of the old ones. Seems they are all selling something, either for themselves, or for one of their "sponsors". Even the give-a-ways are a pain to do as you must first go here and like them then post on your blog then go back there and say you posted on your blog, then come here and tell me that you have liked them and have posted on your blog,....well, you get my drift. I am un-following all of the blogs who use those guidelines as it takes away from time I could spend reading the interesting blogs with tutorials and show and tell. If I want to shop, I will go directly to the online store I want, no commercials needed.
Just sayin....
3 hours ago
I hear ya Wilma - I have culled my list too for the same reasons. Seems once they get a sponsor they lose their blog - where is the creativity? I like blogs that share, inform, show & tell, a fun read, and some whimsy thrown in.
Me too Wilma. I've quit entering giveaways. There's only so much time in the day and I certainly have enough fabric stash to open my own store. LOL
I was beginning to think it was just me but good to know that I am not alone! I blog because I like to share my creativity and I hope to meet other free-spirited souls. I love to be inspired, to listen to tales of real life and do the occasional swap. Good to meet you Wilma. Ros
Glad you brought it up. I keep my blog simple for the same reason--trying to talk like it was to friends that stopped by for a visit. And, that is all. Perhaps, though, it is more tempting with a "big" blog, as money becomes involved?
I know,I feel the same way .When I see "giveaway" on a blog I just pass it up.....I will not play the games either!
thanks for speaking up!
I agree. I no longer enter giveaways because they're so tedious. If there's something I want, I just buy it.
I am so with you on this one Wilma. I do still enter giveaways, but only the ones where you just have to leave a simple comment. I just don't want something bad enough to spend thirty minutes checking out another site, coming back and commenting, blogging about the giveaway, coming back and commenting....it's so tedious and since only one person can win, it's not very productive either. I need to cull my list though, because as you said, some of the blogs I used to really like, have changed. Boo Hiss.
I have to agree with you. I realized that all the more when the Sew Mama Sew giveaway Day had so many who did that, even though they were asked not to.
Ditto all of the above.
Yep I think the big blogs are a just a money racket.. And I will buy local if at all possible.
Hopefully one day, if everyone mentions it enough on their not so big blog, they will get the real drift of what the blogging was supposed to be about.
I will get off my soapbox now.!!
And while I ma at it, Moda Bake Shop is becoming like this as well.. Tisk tisk on them.
I see I'm not alone either. I'm glad because I think it really ruins the fun plus it add's unwanted blogs (or wanted in the end) to your list and it takes soo long to get through the good ones because you are going through the okay or not so okay ones too.
Yep becoming a store.so we ignore.patty
And another one in agreement! Well spoken! I get annoyed with the please-follow-me brigade too, I am big enough to decide to follow because I respect that blogger's word and ideas, not because they want to up their numbers!
Amen, to everything everyone said about the tedious "giveaway" on the blogs. I, too, have quit entering most of them, it just takes too much time. And I really don't want all those buttons on my sidebar. I like the simple ones myself. It's hard to keep everyone happy though..that's why we have the option to decide for ourselves, right?
I don't enter many anymore either. I give away on mine...but it's just leave a comment. No hurdles. I really refuse the ones where they make you post on your blog. That I will not do. Ever!!!
I don't read any of the blogs that give away either. Just enjoy seeing what friends are sewing.
I hear you and completely agree...I am interested in the quilting and tutorials not all the other stuff, and if I to be real picky, I would really discourage bloggers from putting music on their blogs. It takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to load the page. And for what it's worth, I am not a "social media" person and could give a hoot what someone is doing every day, minute, second of their life and avoid any giveaways that require hoops to be jumped through, over and under. Thanks for bringing up this subject.
Count me among those sick of the
"product placement" blog posts. A close second for me are the professional quilters (who teach classes or have authored books) who are constantly cross-promoting one another.
I agree with what you have said. I do not have a blog so it can be even more tedious to figure out how to participate. And the ads are distracting. Keep on going the direction you were and your blog will continue to shine.
Your blog header picture is beautiful so I have to agree that where you live is gorgeous! I agree about having to do certain things for a giveaway so I always keep mine simple~just leave a comment. Good luck!! suesue
I've been doing the same thing. I read blogs for fun and inspiration and when I want to shop I take myself shopping. Getting rid of those blogs will free up a lot of quilting time.
I agree with you Wilma. It's hard to compete when there's 400 other bloggers wanting to win the prize. I think people do that for a time and then it gets old. If I really want to enter I leave one comment and that's it.
This is my first visit to your blog, but I agree with you 100% on everything you said in this post. I will enter a giveaway on occasion, but only if there are "no strings attached". And I definitely don't understand why people would even want to effectively bribe people to follow their blog.
I hear ya. I don't want to follow EVERYONE! And while I enjoy having followers, I also enjoy getting to know those followers. If I had hundreds or even thousands, how could I? Of course, if my blog were part of my business, that would be different. It seems there are personal blogs and there are business blogs - sometimes it is just had to know which is which.
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