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Friday, January 7, 2011

iPod Touch Carrier

Dave and I both recently got iPod Touches for our birthdays. He is the non-computer user of the house, so I was surprised when he said he wanted one. But hey, anything to keep him amused while I'm sewing, lol. For the first day he had it, he was quiet as a mouse trying to learn how to navigate the web, but then he found Facetime, and now if he wants me in the house, he uses that to call me. (Facetime is really cool, I got to see my little great granddaughter in Minnesota brush her teeth yesterday!!)

On the second day he downloaded about a third of our music CDs onto his iPod, then was wondering how he would carry it when he goes fishing. He was afraid that if he put it in his pocket and bent over to get that 10 pound fish (yeah right!!) off of his hook, it would fall out. So what does the husband of a quilter do?? He asked me to make him something to carry on his belt. I did my best.

When I first started doing free motion quilting I practiced on a big sandwich doing meander. I couldn't make myself throw if away, as I knew that someday I would have a use for it.So I took it out and traced a pattern for a carrier with a loop for over a belt. It really works well. I planned to do another that is finished much more nicely, but he wanted the original one, and who am I to argue. This is what he got.

I wanted to make one that would be bound and have a snap or velcro closure, but he loved this one. ( He thinks I'm so smart now, lol.). But it will work. He said he will put the iPod in upside down so that the wires for his headphones come out the top and he will be set.

I only hope he doesn't look around on the web and find one that is finished perfectly and compare it to my practice carrier.



Vesuviusmama said...

Great idea! And I'm sure he'll never find a better one - after all, YOU made it!

sophie said...

You can always surprised him with another one ... and maybe make one for you, too ;-)

It loos like a great design--very functional and perfectly sized.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Way to use up what was on hand - I think it looks great, and if he's happy, take a bow! Glad to see your quilt on Quilt Gallery, too. Hmm - you must be enjoying retirement?

Gari in AL said...

I am really impressed. Gonna do a tutorial? I might use it for my iphone.