Well, after procrastinating, and promising my doctor that I would do it before I turned 60, (that would be January 15th, lol. ), I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow at 1:30pm. The hard part is today. I am now on clear liquids until after the procedure , and at 5pm tonight I have to start drinking the Colyte bowel cleanse. Not looking forward to that.
I will be glad to get this over with.
8 hours ago
Been there, done that. You are right, the worst is over BEFORE you get to the hospital.
Thinking of you, pokey
I'm not 60 (yet ... will be in February) and I've had two -- yes two -- colonoscopies. The worst is the prep ... the procedure itself is easy peasy. Praying that you'll tolerate today's part and that you'll get good results tomorrow. <3
I'll be 59 in January and I'm due for my fourth colonoscopy...I shiver at the thought of that prep liquid!!!
Good Luck!!
Yes, a few hours tonight will be awful.........but tomorrow will be a breeze. I have had many due to the fact that both parents died from colon cancer. I was diagnosed with colon cancer at 44 and had a colon resection - but it was found very early and didn't even have to have chemo or radiation therapy! It has now been 4 1/2 years. I feel better knowing that my Drs. will continue to keep a close eye on me - which means more of the dreaded colonoscopy but keeping cancer away is worth it!!!!! Tell everyone you know to get it done!!!! Good luck!
the drugs are good, and you will have a wonderful nap when you get home. ask me how I know!
I'll try not to get on my soapbox too much, but..........I have had 14 colonoscopies and have used every prep in the book. I REFUSE to do the golitely prep or anything else that requires drinking that vile substance. My last prep was using Miralax, which, apparently, is the newest, bestest way to prep. However, I have a gag reflex that kicks in about 12 ounces down the chute and I couldn't/wouldn't finish the last 32 ounce bottle of gatorade. Surprise - everything was just fine with the one bottle of gatorade/miralax. For my next (year)colonoscopy I will go back to my 3 day liquid fast and a bottle of magnesium citrate the night before. I don't care what the Dr's say, after 14, I think I know what I'm doing and what will/won't work for me. Just saying - ask your Dr for alternatives. There are several ways of prepping and I think you should be given the choice. My 2 cents!
Wilma, if you have a small TV move it into the viewing distance from "the throne"....it will make that time more tolerable if such a thing is possible. Good luck on the exam.
Oh boy, get through tonight Wilma, and then it's a breeze!!! Hope all comes out well!! LOL
My thoughts are with you and hope all is found well. Many blessings.Sharon
First to a wonderful retirement...I retired too at 59 ..from Pharmaceutical..I too was a RN.
I can't say I have slowed down yet as I manage Stash Manicure, but I can tell you life is pretty interesting...I have less time now than when I worked 60 hours a week...lol...All the best in your procedure Wilma...and yes the worst part is today...blessings
Oh yes, the worst comes first. But it's a necessary discomfort and one that generally only needs to be done every five years. Which means my turn probably comes up again next year. You'll probably want to sleep the rest of the afternoon so be prepared for an easy-to-fix supper.
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