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Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a Swingin'

Talk about wonderful feelings. Dave( my husband of almost 35 years) and I have been clearing out an area of overgrowth in our yard. That big old oak tree out there had a branch just begging for a swing. Brave Dave climbed up a TALL ladder and tied the ropes for an old fashioned swing with a seat! You can go so high you can almost touch the sky, lol. Lean back while swinging, and look up through the trees and it brings back all the childhood memories of summertime. OMG, I'm starting to reminisce way too much, lol. Could it be that I'm getting old? At 56?? Here's a picture of the swing, but it will look so much better once we can burn all the brush in the garden. Til next time.



Debi said...

Wow that scene reminds me of the backyard swing we use to have a grandma's when I was growing up. Great picture and thanks for sharing.