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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Alas, I have failed

Thought my life would stay the same after the kids arrived. How wrong I was, lol. They take up a lot of my time, even though they have moved into a rental house until they are ready to buy a house. I still babysit quite a bit to help out too. But I have not found time to blog for quite a while. So, rather than feel bad about it, I will just post when I can.

I haven't done any quilting for a while, but I do have some things in the works. Hopefully when the dust is settled I will find more time.

In the meantime, I will try to catch up on reading all of my favorite blogs to see what I have missed. See you in your comment section!!



weidemama said...

Hi Wilma
Take some quiet time with the children, we will wait for your new works!
I wish you a nice weekend, Greetings from Wilma

Vroomans' Quilts said...

As it is lovely to hear from you, please enjoy family. But do take a little ME time.

Lucy said...

I am so glad to hear you are okay. I have missed your blog and all the things you sew. Have you got your garden planted yet? Remeber to keep stitching.

Roma said...

Well well sister, it happens to all of us!! Life changes but not always the way we want..

Hang tough you do become used to having them around then when they move you are lonely. Weird..

Agy said...

Remember to get some me time!