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Thursday, November 8, 2012


November is well on it's way. The election is over and I am happy to say that my guy won. Hopefully things will get moving in the right direction in this country now.

I hung my November stuff on the wall. I love the fall/winter themed things.

I had a small place with nothing hanging, so I got out a small Christmas tree and hung it, lol. No picture though. I'm ready for Christmas too.

It is hard to post on a regular basis when the holidays are closing in, but I will try harder.



Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love all your minis. I broke down and bought a 6' pre-lit tree the other day - having been in ornament swaps and the grands sending me things - need a tree for them. As the box sits in the hall - I am so tempted to put it up!

Lucy said...

I love the let it snow and the fall wall hanging with the leaves, scarecrow, etc. very bright and cheerful. Great work.

Vesuviusmama said...

What wonderful seasonal decorations! I really need to do better with that.

Carrie P. said...

great decorations. that tree one is my favorite and perfect for where you live.

Myra said...

I always enjoy seeing your seasonal quilts Wilma. I am getting ready for the holidays too.

Angie said...

I love all of these little quilts! :P)