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Sunday, April 22, 2012

They liked their gifts!!

Made a little practice purse with a plastic window and sent it to GGD Kenzie. Then I felt bad about never sending GGS Ryan anything, so I made him the LEGO pillow. You can see by their pictures that they loved them!! Kenz has the little purse stuffed, and Ryan slept with his pillow that night. I remember when I was a little girl, whenever I got a new purse, I had to find things to put in it. We had at least 2 "junk drawers" in the kitchen, so I would always go through those to get stuff for my purse, lol. 

We are having a family vacation at Lake Erie this summer, so I will get to see all of the kids at one time!!! It will be so fun. I can't wait!!



Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love the smiles!! Yes, I would say they are very happy. Sounds like a fun vacation.

DragonPoodle said...

Cute kids, cute gifts!

What part of Lake Erie? When I lived in SW Ohio I had a friend in Geneva-On-The-Lake. I love that part of the world.

Pokey said...

Of course they love them, Grammie! I smiled at your Lego pillow when you posted, but didn't "speak up" until you posted these happy pics. Gotta love a smiley faced kid ~

black bear cabin said...

i totally remember the "junk" drawer in our kitchen too...that cracked me up! and i loved wearing my new purse on never know when you needed a piece of gum or some chap stick! :) too cute!
p.s. i knew he would love the pillow :)