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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some sewing, finally!!!!

I finally got to do some sewing. A few stolen moments when dave was off doing something else, or when he was sleeping in his chair, lol.

A friend in my ABC group started making those snap bags with the metal tape measure pieces used to close the bag. I was intrigued, so I ordered the pattern, then decided to make one my own way. I hate using interfacing. Need I say more?
Here's a picture of my first one, which will be given to my sister, Roma, for the Pay It Forward I promised. (Not sure what I will send you other folks on my list...) I will do up a tutorial soon, maybe tomorrow. Cute eh? I also plan to make some for the shop where I sell some of my things.

I also made some blocks for the Block Lotto. I donated all of them this month as I have won twice already this year.

I still have to finish piecing a top from my Bliss winnings, and finish hand quilting the TipToe Through the Tulips quilt. PLUS, I came home to 23 episodes of General Hospital to catch up on, lol.

Already did my walk this morning in the fog, and my Weight Watchers meeting is at 9:30. I think I lost a little more. yay! Then need to go to Roma's house to drop off some clothes and her snap bag :^) Then come home and fry up some bacon for BLT's this evening, using tomatos from the garden. YUM!!!! Tomorrow I hope to spend most of the day sewing.



Roma said...

Whoo Hoo you have been busy !
Best to walk in the early morning-not as much heat..

I like the wonky blocks you made..

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Boy, you jumped right back on the horse! I love mornings any way, but now it is to beat the heat. Interested in how you changed the snap bag.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

The snsp bag is great, very useful. The BLT sounds yummy, can I have one? Ca n you message me your 'real' address so I can send on your Pay It Forward ... when you least expect it!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

I commented at block lotto too,

Benta At SLIKstitches said...
Hi Wilma. Because they are made in pairs we get one entry for each pair, so the 4 does mean 8 blocks!
July 23, 2011 9:41 AM

Love B

Lucy said...

The snap bag is cute and I like your material. Lucky you tomatoes ripe already. Mine are all green.

Cheryl Warren said...

I'm up to my ears in vintage sewing machines needing TLC and haven't done any serious sewing in weeks! Lucky you. The BLT's sound great, too. I figured out years ago that if I kept a jar of Bacon Bits around I could have BLTs on demand. Guess it is time to get more Bacon Bits. stay cool.

Carrie P. said...

I like those little bags. Been seeing a lot of them around. Yummy BLT's